Saturday, August 10, 2019

Motivation to go out and get some ice cream.

The other week on a Saturday night I was home listening to this one radio program that I listen to and I was so very tired, but I was also thinking of maybe walking up the street to this one nearby ice cream parlor to go and get some ice cream.

I had just decided not to, when the power goes out, right in my room and across the street.

As I sit there figuring out what to do, it goes back on across the street, but still not in my house, or on my side of the street.

So, I go outside and end up talking to my (older) (Mexican-American) neighbors, who also had decided to go outside, and then since it's still not coming back on, I decide to go and get some ice cream.

"Someone upstairs must have wanted me to have some ice cream," I told the wife of the couple.

"It might be a couple hours until it's back on," she was like.

"Hunh," I was like. "Then maybe I'll have two."

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