Sunday, August 4, 2019

Subway ice-crunchers and gum-chewers.

Like twice recently lately when I've been coming home from work on the subway I've hit people who've been loudly chewing on an otherwise quiet car:

1) A (young) (black) girl with long neon green-painted nails, looking at her phone and holding a Taco Bell bag as she fishes out ice cubes from the top of an open Big Gulp-sized cup of queasily yellowish-green soda, who then places each ice cube in her mouth and chews it, crunching it loudly, and just so obliviously.

2) A (middle-aged) (clean shaven) (slim) (Hispanic) man with a baseball cap and light grey jogging pants and all this nervous jittery energy like he's on cocaine or something, who just sits there and stares at his phone and maniacally chews his gum and snaps it so rapidly, all the while while his mouth is open and his jaws just go up and down, and in such great and decisive motions.

. . .

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