Monday, August 5, 2019

My one (placid) (Tibetan) coworker on different ethnic cuisines.

The other week at the resthome, I mentioned to my one (placid) (Tibetan) coworker and my one (pensive) Tibetan coworker that the vegetarian lasagna from the staff meal was kind of good.

"Yes," my one (placid) (Tibetan) coworker was like, and then she added, "I think so, but I don't know."

"What do you mean?", I was like.

"I know it is Italian, but I do not know Italian food," she was like.  "What is lasagna usually, if it is not vegetarian, is it fish?"

At that I was a bit dumbfounded, since she simply had no idea about what Italian food was like, and so I explained to her that it was the same noodles and cheese, but with a tomato sauce and ground beef.

"Oh," she was like.

I then asked her what other types of food she eats, if she ever eats out.

"I eat Asian food," she was like, "Wietnamese, Chinese, Korean."

(She said a "w" instead of a "v" in "Vietnamese," though I'm not sure why, if it's because of the phonology of Tibetan, or if it's because that's like the name of the country in Tibetan, and so she carried through something of their name for "Vietnam" into English.)

"Have you ever had Mexican?", I was like.

"No," she was like.  "I hear it's spicy."

I then asked her if she had ever had Greek food.

"I think no," she was like, "But I do not know.  If I see Greek food, I do not know it, because I do not know."

I then said that sometime after work one day, we should all go out for Mexican food, if they wanted.

I don't think that they knew what to make of that invitation, so I backpedalled any perceived overfriendliness. I really do think it would be a blast to go out for Mexican food with my (Tibetan) coworkers, though; I wonder what they would think, and what they would like.

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