Sunday, July 28, 2019

Random conversation with random steelworkers.

Like over a month ago, I was coming home from work at the resthome, and when I went to go unlock my bike, there were like three (white) utility trucks lined up by the curb, all idling at the side of the street.

"I'm surprised that bike is still there," said the (older) (white) guy from the nearest utility truck through his open window as he sat there in the passenger seat and his (younger) (Latino) partner was at the wheel, as I leaned over to go and unlock my bike.

Then, he started talking, apparently out of boredom, and when he found out that I was in assisted living, he started talking about how his mom had been in this one home where people didn't have enough attention for her, and once when a (black) (female) assistant had said that she would give his mom a shower next, he waited, but nothing happened for over two hours, and meanwhile she was sitting out with her friends eating by the nursing station in the hall, and when he finally went out, she was surprised because he had caught her.

"A lot of places are like that," I was like, "They may pay higher, but the staff-client ratio is bad, so people can't get around to everyone, and at some point stuff doesn't get done and people are just like f*ck it."

And, I started saying how everyone deserves an assisted living home like the one (private) facility that I work in, it's not fancy, but it's there for people, and that that's a basic.

Then, we talked a bit more, and it turned out that they were steelworkers working the night shift to start repairing the girders of the nearby subway platform, once the work train arrived.

Just as they were saying that, the guy was like, "Oops, the big boss is coming, goodbye," and he rolled up his window just as another (white) car pulled up, its lights flashing.

Him and his partner were staring straight ahead like I didn't exist at all, I could tell, so I just hopped on my bike and road off.

The next night, I saw them again.

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