Thursday, June 27, 2019

Two food experiments: Fermented carrots, noodle dish.

After my last batch of sauerkraut turned out all right, I've moved on to fermenting carrots.

I chopped up some dill and put that and some mustard seeds on the bottom of the big glass jar that I bought a few years ago to ferment stuff in, and then I cut some large carrots down to size and wedged them into the jar so that they'll stay put and won't bob up and break the surface as the fermentation starts happening and there's bubbles.  Some of them I put slits on running up and down the sides, so that the bacteria can get inside and ferment them easier (I meant to put slits on all of them, but I forgot for some).

That same night that I did the carrots, I also experimented with a noodle dish following the recipe of my one (thin) (Tibetan) coworker.  You basically saute some vegetables in oil with chopped up garlic and ginger (I did onions and thinly chopped carrots and some leftover sauerkraut), then you put soy sauce over it to boil down a bit, and then dump it all over noodles that you make up separately.

The other week when we were working, she let me try a forkful of her version that she had made up, which also had pieces of chicken that she had marinated in soy sauce.

"And what noodles do you use?", I was like.

"Barilla," she was like, "Just use the spaghetti, it stays firm, Chinese noodles get too soft."

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