Sunday, June 23, 2019

On the socialists nowadays: Snark and heresy.

The socialists nowadays are something else.

What gets me is how they have this snarky online style that is technically inessential to the shit that they're proposing and that actually puts a certain amount of sympathetic people off from the group, but that's actually key to many members, since it's an attitude/style thing almost like they're some know-it-all teenagers rebelling against their parents and they have to establish some edgy identity against authority or some shit.

I met one the other week who wants to build up a local civics group and take out the incumbent from my past race, too, and she grilled me on positions, and she liked all my major issue stances on taxation and social investment and shit since they're the same as hers, but then she was like, "Are you a socialist?", and I was like, "No."

They always do that where you have to say that word, and it's almost like an interpersonal power thing where they want to put you on the spot and say some very specific verbal formula, almost like they're the Inquisition or it's the Arian Controversy or something and you have to say a creed or some shit.

It's honestly like, Say the word, and if you don't, bye.

Honestly, wtf.

It doesn't make sense, but it does, it's part of their little culture that they have going.

I guess I can see the importance of normalizing certain labels and ideas, but at some point being attached to that word can cost votes and maybe some races...  It's why candidates like Elizabeth Warren say shit like "responsible capitalism" and stuff, they know what's going on with that stuff.

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