Sunday, June 9, 2019

My one (Muslim) (Ethiopian) coworker (1 of 5): "Samusa" recipe.

After dinner the other week at the resthome when she was taking her break from fasting during Ramadan, my one (Ethiopian) coworker offered me a little triangular bread thing that she had a few of in a small tupperware container.

"Try it, it's good," she was like.

It basically was a slightly puffy dough wrapped over a little bit of lentils and some kind of chopped green herbs and then like lightly fried, and it was super delicious.

She said it was a samosa ("samusa," she pronounced it).

I said I didn't know there was like a(n Ethiopian) samosa variant, and she said there was, and I said I liked it better than (Indian) samosas I had had, since this was tasty and delicate, but Indian samosas are large and overstuffed and often super fried and greasy.

"Yes, samusas are all over, different kinds," she was like.

And, she was glad that I liked it.

She said it's her mom's recipe and she had taught her, so I told her that the next time she talked to her mom on the phone, to tell her that I like her samosa recipe.

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