Saturday, June 8, 2019

A story and a memory of my one client with disabilities: Her uncle's memorial service, and her uncle.

A while ago, the second husband of the aunt of my one client with disabilities passed away, and while she went to the funeral then, she recently went to a memorial service for him, since he was in the armed services, and since although it sounds like he was a distant relative, he really was close to her and a cool person, since she comes from a small family and the people who hit it off in it are always super tight.

Anyhow, her aunt is super cool and when the honor guard folded the flag and kneeled down to hand it to her, they said something about it representing the gratitude of that branch of the armed services "and the President of the United States of America."

"I about bit my f*cking tongue off," she told my client later.

My client also said it was nice to see this big gaggle of squirrels outside the chapel when they went there for the memorial service, since her aunt's second husband had loved squirrels and had rigged up a "squirrel circus" in the backyard of the house that they had lived in for years, with a string between trees and then some strings from that dangling some old cans with some nuts in them.

She said that after a while the squirrels figured out what to do, that the best thing to do was hang on the main line and then pull up the can full of nuts, since that way you could still eat them but a lot less of them  spilled to the ground, like would happen if you tried to go down to them and maybe jostled the can or tried to put your head in it.

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