Friday, March 15, 2019

Two people on the subway the other day.

The other evening I was going in to assist my one client with disabilities for a few hours and the subway car kept filling up, and next to me sat this one (intense) (white) (early college age) (young) girl with dark stringy hair and a cheap knit cap on and her smartphone out in front of her, and this (short) (fat) (early college age) (young) (white) guy with a blonde beard and a pot belly was standing in close to her and close to me and he also had his phone out, and it became clear to me that they were playing some fantasy trivia game together on each of their smartphones.

"I forget, is Lothorian close to Gondor?", the guy asked a bit loudly in his higher-pitched voice, in this very tentative way clearly deferring to her superior authority.

"Yes," she was like, solemnly, and they each pressed that choice from the list of three multiple choice fantasy place names, and she was right.

After that, the list was of three names, and you had to pick the one that was *really* a Hobbit name.

He made a mistake, but again she was right.

They were still on the subway car when I finally got off to go to work.

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