Saturday, March 16, 2019

An unexpectedly pleasant subway ride, and rider.

The other week when it was very very cold out, I was returning from a lesbian feminist choral concert and was making a subway transfer for a few stops, and I hop into this car full of many homeless people, including one (shorter) (slightly older) (chubby faced) (bearded) (lighter-skinned black) guy holding an Icehouse beer can and smelling of alcohol and with a shopping cart full of a clean sleeping bag in front of him, and strapped onto the top of the sleeping bag in the shopping cart was a big speaker playing R&B music rather loudly, and that music was very much dominating some rinky-dink hip hop music or something that some (skinny) (young) (dark black) guy farther down the car was playing on his smartphone.

Then, some song came on, and it was some really smooth, very famous song that you could totally groove out to, and this (older) (black) (possibly homeless) woman in a mildly puffy black quilted coat who was standing near us started dancing to it as I kind of moved my shoulder in time to the beat.

"This is great, man," I was like to the guy who had the shopping cart, and he seemed pleased.

Then, I was like, "This is music, that other stuff is just noise," and when I said "that other stuff," I nodded my head down the car to the guy playing hip hop on his smartphone.

At that, the guy seemed pleased again, and smiled more broadly.

Also, when I later asked him what it was right before I got off on my stop, he said it was Gladys Knight, but he couldn't remember what song it was.

. . .

...I think I remember the phrase "young love" and googled it, but the only thing that came up was "Love Overboard" and I haven't been in a place with internet where I could hit 'play' and see if it's actually the same song, so I'm not sure if it's the one song that I heard there on the subway and that I really like...

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