Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Further campaign realization.

Looking back on my campaign, I realize that my opponent wasn't as getting defined by the media as much as I thought he was, and so although he had and has a very small base, he also had the money to buy four mailers and get them out to people, and that worked on enough low info people to get them to think that he was okay enough to the point where they would go and vote him back in, especially since a lot of those people I guess were never exposed to me and my campaign, or were never exposed enough.

I had no idea mailers could be that effective, too. They certainly seem to be important, maybe even more important now because of the decay of common news sources due to the rise of the internet.

In light of that strategy he used, I realize now that I would have had to have a full-time organizer and enough money for enough mailers to counteract him.

But, even though that might be like $50,000, he has access to way more money than that, so my even maybe getting $50,000 could maybe set off an arms race where he spends more money and then I have to go out and spend more money in order to match him enough to the point of significant declining marginal returns on his investment, maybe to like where I'm spending like $100,000 or so.

That's just insane, and beyond what I ever fathomed could ever be necessary, even though I heard that number floating around.

You *hear* about money in politics, but it's another thing to go and learn it for yourself, how it just puts a finger on the scales and helps a shitty incumbent get re-elected, even though not all that many people really even like him that much.

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