Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Rest home stories (1 of 2): The Trump circles.

The other week at the rest home, I was chit-chatting after dinner with a couple of the (Jewish) residents, and the topic of the President came up.

One of the two (Jewish) residents I was chatting with said that his tax cuts were destroying the budget, and now they wanted to destroy Medicare to get that money back, and she went on in this vein in a while, about how it would be hard to get the money to fill in the budget deficits now.

"You know," I was like, "I've always had this idea," and then I talked about getting the President to sit in a dunk tank and everyone who wanted to could line up and pay a dollar and throw a ball to dunk him into the water.

"Some people would go at least twice," I was like.  "Imagine how much money you'd get!".

After that, talk shifted, and Michael Cohen came up.

"A Jew," the one said, shaking her head.

"I know," the other said, grimacing, "And so is that Jared, and Ivanka converted...  Orthodox!".

And, the first (Jewish) resident shook her head, too, and grimaced.

"Her," I was like, too.  "What gets me is that she always plays little Miss Innocent, but she lies and she lies and the real estate development projects she was involved in are so crooked, there was probably money laundering going on."

"A shanda for the neighbors!" the second resident then burst out, and then when I got confused, she had to explain to me what a shanda is, and she used the example of a (Jewish) woman who dyed her hair and was single and was always going out, and everyone could see that.

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