Thursday, March 21, 2019

Baby (1 of 3): Habit.

The two-month old daughter of my one (half Sudanese) (half British) friend (the sister of the brother-sister pair) really likes to suck her thumb, and when she does that, she has her other fingers splayed out instead of balled into a fist, and she also makes loud smacking sounds.

So, me and my friend joked that she was going to be a loud eater, and my friend said that it was super funny when her apartment was quiet, because sometimes her daughter would suck her thumb and that slurping smacking sound was the only thing that you could hear in the otherwise quiet apartment.

She also said that sometimes when she was breastfeeding, her daughter would sometimes pop her thumb in too and she could suddenly feel it there in addition to her daughter's mouth, and so she'd go and take her daughter's thumb out, and be like, "Sorry, you have to choose one or the other!".

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