Saturday, January 12, 2019

A holiday gift from a resthome resident:

A crocheted penholder with a pen in it, so that you can keep it in your pocket and your pen's snug in there and also too if it leaks, that way it doesn't end up getting on your clothes at all.

She made 30 of them as presents, and after I helped her fix her cell phone, she asked me my favorite color, found one with that color yarn on it to give to me, and said she'd have to mark it in her book who she gave it to, since she's keeping track of things that way.

She also double-checked that she signed it, since it came in a Ziploc bag that had "Happy Holidays" written on it, and a little sticker that said, "From, [her first name]".

I absolutely love it!

I can't remember the last time I got such a nice homemade gift like that.

I'm keeping it, and the bag, too.

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