Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A late night subway sight.

Like last month when I was coming home from work at like eleven or eleven-thirty at night, a (20-something) (Arab-looking) guy got off the train too from a different car and was walking behind me, pulling two suitcases like he was coming back from the airport.

We were going to the end of the subway stop where it's just a small human-size turnstile with huge grates like a revolving door, so when I was unlocking my bike, I looked back to see how he handled that.

He put one bag in the turnstile as far up as he could, then he stacked the other bag on top of that one, and then finally he wedged himself in in the space remaining and he shimmied forward bit by bit, and then he finally got through.

It was really impressive work.  I'm not sure I would have tried exiting at that end of the station with two bags like that, but maybe he's done that before?

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