Sunday, January 13, 2019

Book malaise.

It's so funny how a person can go through spurts with books.

Like last year I was all about compilations of stories in frames and I just couldn't put down the Decameron, then I got Canterbury Tales, and I set it down almost right away, I just didn't feel like it.

Then, recently, I was all about sci-fi, and I checked out like 3 books from the library all of them sci-fi and I ripped right through them, and then all of a sudden I just didn't feel like reading sci-fi anymore, to the point where I couldn't even think of a title that I hadn't read that made me curious or interested, though before I had easily thoughten of three of them.

So, I was kind of listlessly casting around for a book but couldn't think of any, and so I picked up Canterbury Tales again, and it's not bad.

I'm waiting for some books on the history of opera, in the meanwhile; I ordered a used copy of a recent one-volume history online, and I also texted a friend a request to check with her one professor friend for a recommendation of a good biography of Wagner.

That's what I'm really hungering for, now, one of those two books, but I don't quite have them yet.

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