Monday, December 3, 2018

An observation by that one retired psychiatrist: Porn stigma.

The other day at the resthome I was assisting that one retired psychiatrist, and as we sometimes do, we started talking about Stormy Daniels.

From there our conversation went off into talking about porn more generally, and I was telling him about tidbits from this one oral history of the (straight) porn industry that I had read years ago.

For example, that people ogle the actors at bars, but treat them like social outcasts and don't really interact with them or respect them.

"That's entirely unsurprising," he was like, "The same thing happened back when I was in it..."

On another note, he ran over his wife's foot when he was in his motorized wheelchair, and her one toe now is all black and blue.

She took a photo of it and blew it up and printed it out and hung it on his wall in his living room, so he sees it every day.

"Is that to make you feel guilty?", I was like.

"I would assume," he was like.

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