Saturday, December 15, 2018

A shit mystery.

The other week I cooked up a big huge pot of beef barley soup and had two gigantic bowls before bed, and then the next morning at the first smell of coffee I suddenly had to go to the bathroom, and when I sat down and let loose, it was just like a steady row of composed and well formed and decently sized shit droplets, all a subdued red brown color.

Usually, it's like a liquid machine gun, after I eat barley.

I wonder what happened?

I did have a couple baked potatoes, too, maybe that affected things and helped bind all the barley together to the point where it was like a normal shit.

Later that day I had to shit a second time, and though I thought that that shit would be the one like a liquid machine gun, it wasn't, it was the same kind of shit as before.

I've honestly never had this happen!

Life certainly can be weird.

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