Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Some campaign work with my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend.

The other week I met my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend for dinner (the brother of the brother-sister pair), and he helped me stuff some envelopes for a bit after dinner, where he folded the letters and then I put them in envelopes and licked them shut.

And, while I did that, I found that he accidentally included a second copy of the same letter in one of the letters he had folded, and then he looked through the pile he had heaped up and he found a second one just like that.

"Dang," I was like, since I had already sealed so many envelopes, but then I collected myself and explained that I'm trying to be less neurotic, and what's the worst case scenario anyhow --

And at that point he broke in and was like, "Twice as much paper in the dustbin."

I laughed, and then I continued my thought, that maybe one or 2 voters got a double copy, and in the big scheme of things, it really doesn't matter.

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