Wednesday, June 13, 2018

A nightmare of captive women.

The other week I dreamt -

I'm in a very white laboratory, and I know that women are held there, and then as me and a woman walk past this wall, I look over and open a slot, and inside there's a water tank and a (white) woman with a shaved head, and she has this big plug in her mouth and the water level is high and her very nose is just above water so she can breathe if she keeps it above water and tries, and I know that she has it worst of all of them and they keep her like that so they can remove the plug and have her talk only when they want to.

Even though there's no room through the slot for us to reach and the water was initially very high, next thing you know the water level is down and she has her shoulders above water and the plug is out of her mouth and her mouth and jaw are hurting, and she says something to us, slowly and painfully, and it's clear that she has no will to even try to leave, instead she's made peace with her existence there in the tank, and she goes to go back to her position, behind the wall in the water in the dark with the water high and the plug in her mouth.

. . .

And then I wake up.

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