Thursday, June 14, 2018

A person on the subway:

A (late middle-aged) (faded blonde hair) (white) guy with crinkly skin and some kind of reddish blood-vessel-and-scabby growth over a big portion of half his cheek, and a baseball cap, who puts some framed paintings beside his seat and sets his backpack down and then pulls out like 5-6 comic books and crosses his leg and keeps them on his lap and flips rapidly through them, as he slouches and his cheeks bulge out as he chews what appears to be a huge amount of gum, sometimes with his mouth opening a bit in a quietish smacking sound.

Then, he occasionally begins to blow bubbles.

As he gets up to leave later and puts the comic books back in his backpack, his keys fall out on his seat and I tell him that, and he says "I know" and then turns around and gets them, and then turns back to me and says "Thanks."

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