Monday, December 25, 2017

Odd contrast, in work directions.

Elder care is wonderful.  I really do like working with dementia patients.  I'm there to help them lead a rich life moment-to-moment, and I can leave work behind as soon as I leave and am not there, since I'm with a good company and everyone I've met who's taking over a shift has extremely good energy, and I'm sure they'd be as skilled and conscientious with the client as I am...

Yet, it's such a strange contrast, in work directions.

Here, I have all this education, and I *do* like teaching, but it has just stopped making sense.

So, I'm with older folks, who I chit-chat with, and who forget what I'm talking about after maybe 20 minutes.

As I told my current writing students, it's such a strong contrast, that work has become so bad, I've chosen not to train young minds, but instead am working with decaying ones.

As I also told them, I'm not judging that one form of work is better than another, it's just that the contrast is striking, that's all.

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