Saturday, December 30, 2017

Furnace and thermostat problems.

Like the other week a month ago or so ago, it was extremely windy for like two days straight, and the wind was coming from a strange direction.

At some point during that time, my furnace stopped working, and when my landlord had his son come over to check it, it turned out that the pilot light had blown out, so he re-lit it.

Ever since then, though, the furnace has been behaving funky.  You turn it on and then it heats for a bit, and then it stops.

I thought that the pilot light went out again, but my landlord came over to check it, and it was still on.

So, he bitched at me and said to turn my thermostat all the way to the left and then to the temp I want, and I did that, and it worked, kind of.

It still doesn't heat straight up to the desired temp like it used to, though, it seems to stop heating a lot randomly at random temperatures below what I set it.

I wonder if there's some problem with the temperature gauge sticking inside of the thermostat.

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