Wednesday, December 27, 2017

My mouse for my laptop broke.

My mouse for my laptop broke.

When I got my new laptop, I made sure to get a retractable cord mouse, versus the battery one...

Why get a cordless mouse and waste all those batteries with their chemicals, when you could just get a corded mouse and it could get its electricity straight from the computer?

Also, the radio waves from the mouse might give you hand cancer, and somehow it doesn't seem like a real mouse, without a cord.

The other week, though, I went to make the cord go draw back, and I accidentally let it go and it snapped back, and as that happened, I knew that I shouldn't have done that, and that the mouse probably broke.

And, it did.

I haven't gotten a new one, though, since I've thought that maybe I could unscrew it and tighten some stuff and maybe get it to work again.

I haven't had the time, though.

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