Saturday, September 23, 2017

Odd perception.

Last month I was at the beach and I ate a banana, and then I ate some cherries, and I ended up putting the stems and little bit cherry flesh-covered pits on the peel, and then after I was done reading a free newspaper, I put the newspaper beside my towel, and the pit-covered peel on top of it, so I could just wrap it all up and go throw it out without dropping anything, the next time I got up.

A bit later, a (white) (mildly hipsterish) guy I know who works at the library walked by.

"What's that?", he was like.

"Oh, a banana peel and some cherry pits from some cherries I was eating," I was like, looking at the thing and noticing just then that it looked weird.

"Oh," he was like.  "I thought you were foraging."

. . .

He must have thought it was some weird roots or herbs.

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