Friday, September 1, 2017

Blithe confession of a fellow beachgoer.

The other week I was at the beach and ran into this one (quite old) (ex-counterculture) (black) guy who I've known for a number of years now.

He's retired and a self-confessed "beach bum," and we chat a lot, and I hand off to him some of the free newspapers from the city when I'm done reading them, since he likes poking around through them.

(I also lend them to him and ask him to give them back to me, if I bump into him and he asks about them and I haven't read them yet.)

Anyhow, he lives in one of the city's worst neighborhoods, and has a fruit tree by his house that used to be his mother's, and it's near the house of his brother, who's been housebound from some sickness.

He tells me stories sometimes, like about the illegal parties down the block that are advertised on Facebook and are BYOB with strippers and often go until five in the morning, and cause shit to happen like this one time a drunkdriver got in his SUV and drove through someone's fence and almost into their house.

Anyhow, the other week he told me kind of out of nowhere that he has his electricity and gas hotwired and doesn't pay for them.

"I figure," he was like, "that [name of the gas company] can afford it!".

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