Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Confusion of me as a professor.

So, when I was popping into the library to do some stuff this summer, I ran into a (Chinese) student who I taught writing to, who had just completed her first year.

We chit-chatted about the summer, and when I said that I had just completed my dissertation that Friday, she was confused.

She had thought all along that I was a professor!

She also said that the class was amazing, and that she was considering being an anthro major, and had gotten a position in the campus museum, since the museum visits from class really sparked an interest that she didn't know that she had.

I told her that the prof who I worked with had just finished her first year teaching that class, and she should write her about the museum visits, so that she knew that they were effective and so she could keep them in the future, since she had been wondering about that.

Really, that's the part of teaching that I'll miss.  Oh well, the sector doesn't support it so much any more!

I tell people that you know a sector's in trouble, when it starts driving the good people out.

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