Sunday, April 16, 2017

A slight nightmare the other night:

The other night I dreamt ~

I'm in the airport, and the plane is delayed, so I wander around and lollygag by the next gate over to my gate.

Next thing I know, though, I look over, and the last person is disappearing down the ramp, and I suddenly realize that the plane had begun and somehow pretty much completed boarding while I was staring absently off into space in the other direction.

So, I rush over, and someone at the desk waves her arms at me as I pass.

Then, I get to the end of the ramp, just as it's separating from the plane, though the plane door is still open and I can see the people in there as the space between us grows.

"There's the passenger!", one person in the plane door is like, but they won't reconnect the plane for me and let me in, even though the distance is only like 10-12 feet at that point.

. . .

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