Monday, April 17, 2017

Pleasant local library interaction.

The other week, I checked my email, only to find an overdue notice from the city library, that it had been like 2 weeks since I had renewed 3 books and that fines were accruing and that if enough accrued I couldn't check anything out.

I kind of spazzed and was worried that I was owing like thirty or forty dollars, so the very next day on a day I was working from home I took twenty minutes and went over to the local library branch.

I explained the situation to the (later middle-aged) (male) (Chinese-American) at the front desk, and he was very pleasant and looked up the fine.

"Seven dollar," he was like.

"Oh, that's it?", I was like.

"No, not much," he was like, and then he began laughing.

"Think of it as a donation to the library."

I paid it, and I did.

"You know, it costs like four bucks for a used book from Amazon and I read so much, this is really less than two books, and I use it more," I was like.

At that, he laughed.

"Yes!", he was like, "Book is one cent, but the shipping is three ninety-nine!  I order a book last month, it was like that!".

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