Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Pleasant dollar store interaction.

The other week I was at the dollar store in my neighborhood for more gummy bears and gummy coke bottles (what do the workers think of me!?), and I saw the one (young) (hispanic) guy who was dating an evangelical girl whose family wouldn't let him in the house with his dyed hair.

So, when I was checking out, I asked him how he was.

"Good," he was like.  "It's my birthday today.  I turn twenty-one."

"No way!", I was like.  "So what are you going to do to celebrate?".

"Oh, I'm probably going to go buy a forty and go home and drink it by myself," he was like.

"Doesn't your mom like to get fucked up off of loteria cards?", I was like.  "I remember that funny story you told me.  You should go get fucked up with her, I bet that'd be fun."

"Nah," he was.  "I'm a coder, I don't like to drink that much."

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