Sunday, November 6, 2016

Two shopping cart conversations.

The other week when I went to go get a shopping cart, I didn't have a quarter in my pocket to insert and pull out the cart, so I waited till another customer came up so I could give them some loose change I had equalling twenty-five cents.

Almost immediately, this (younger middle-aged) (Chinese) woman pushing a cart and tugging along a young kid came up, and I asked her if I could use her cart.

She didn't speak English, so I showed her the change in my hand, and she began saying something in Chinese and nodding her head, and I dropped the dime, two nickels, and five pennies in her hand.

"Is that a penny?", the young boy then said to her, pulling at her coat.

Later, after I got out of the store, someone had just rechained their cart to the last one in the row, but without pushing the basket into the basket, so it was just this loosely connected cart sticking out and getting in everyone's way.

"What is that?", this (middle-aged) (white) woman asked me, as she was standing there looking at the cart and trying to figure out what was going on.

"I was just trying to figure that out myself," I was like, and I went to the other row to go push my cart in.

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