Saturday, March 19, 2016

These "new bar" proportions are nuts:

The other weekend - actually, the last weekend of my 5th year of newbarhopping - I ended up going to 10 "new" bars, and though I've been thinking about this phenomenon a lot lately, the proportions of what these "new" bars are just floored me:

- only 1 was "new" in the sense of that it was around when I began my project.
- 5 were "flipped" bars where I had been to them before under other names.
- 4 were "new new" bars, in that they had opened since my project began in spaces that hadn't previously been bars.

Some of the "new new" bars and "flipped" bars that I've been hitting lately have been open anywhere from 2 days to a month, sometimes at the outer end like half a year, so I really do think that I'm chasing them down and can win.

It's just a matter of beating the pavement across the city to turn them up, and keeping tabs on what I hear is opening.

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