Thursday, March 17, 2016

Slight bike accident:

Coming home from the subway stop the other week, I was on my bikeshare bike, and came out from under a railway tunnel to this patch of road with roadwork... 

I wasn't paying attention, and edged off the pavement onto a section of gravel where a fourth of the road had been torn up but not yet paved, which caused my bike to slide out from under me, and I whacked my right shoulder and elbow, and skidded on my elbow and right knee.

My knee stung a bit and so I assumed it was scraped, and then when I got home, I had dinner and whatnot, and then went to go take a shower.

After I pulled off my jeans, I noticed a bit of something hanging off of my knee and picked at it - and it turned out to be a flap of my flesh about the size of a half dollar, rubbed right off my knee.

I yanked it off and didn't feel anything since it had become so separate from my body, and then, before thinking anything, I flicked it, and the thick little perfect bit of my flesh just hung on the side of the sink.

That then grossed me out, so I took it off, and ended up throwing it away in the waste paper basket.

Two days later, I noticed two small holes on the right foresleeve of my coat...  I think the fabric got scraped a bit and tore in two places as I skidded.

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