Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Interesting conversation on Beyonce's "Formation".

I forgot to put down this conversation in the week after the Super Bowl, though I've thought back to it a few times -

At the gym, I bumped into the one (older) (black) (male) artist I know, and he told me that he had indeed watched Beyonce's "Formation", and this (younger) (middle-aged) (black) woman who we both know was on a machine nearby and joined in the conversation.

Both agreed that it might just be a stage for Beyonce and a publicity attempt, and they'll be interested to see where she goes after this.

"But what if it is just a phase?", I was like.

"Hey," the woman was like, pleasantly, "You never see real blackness in the media, so you take your blackness where you can find it."

She also said that she saw an interview with Raven Symone where she badmouthed Beyonce doing that, and she said she'd never take Raven Symone seriously again.

"Yes," said the artist, "It's very clear that she's one of those."

In terms of favorite moments, the artist said she'd have to think, and the (mild-mannered!) woman said that she loved how Beyonce sat on the porch in a floppy hat and gave 2 middle fingers to the camera.

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