Friday, February 19, 2016

Shelving job miscellania:

1) If I'm re-shelving and I hit a patch of books that's really out-of-order, I take time to put them in order.

First off, how can I re-shelve a book, when it isn't obvious where it should go?

Second off, after this Work-Study job ends, I'd be working for the library re-shelving then, so I might as well do it now.

2) The other day I went to go push my cart away from where I was working and I noticed that my thermos didn't have its little metal top on that also serves dual function as a cup, and suddenly I realized that I must have set my coffee cup on a shelf somewhere for a second and gotten distracted and accidentally left it.

So, I retraced my steps and looked at open spots on shelves, and discovered my little coffee cup sitting up there actually near where I had last been working, a third full of rather cold espresso.

I then started wondering if stuff ever gets left randomly like that in the bookstacks, like maybe someone's lunch.

I could just picture a sandwich sitting out on a piece of deli wrap somewhere deep in the stacks.

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