Saturday, February 6, 2016

Neighborhood tamale vendor.

Outside the entrance of my local grocery store, there's always a card table set up with a pre-printed banner in English and Spanish, and two coolers full of pork and chicken tamales packed 6 to a plastic bag, and this (middle aged) (golden brown skinned) (round faced )(I think Mexican) woman, who dresses in a winter coat and looks cold when the temp is very low, though she sometimes pops into the foyer behind the sliding door to warm up and comes out every once in a while to see if she has customers, when it's that cold out.

The other week, it was that cold out, and as I left, I decided on impulse to get a bag of tamales, so I found her in the foyer and asked her to buy a pack of pork tamales.

When she came back from outside with the tamales, I gave her a couple bucks extra as a tip, and thanked her and told her to stay warm.

When I see people like her, it really burns me that people say that immigrants are lazy, she probably works more and harder than anyone else I know, and she deserves better.

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