Friday, February 5, 2016

Bar blackout!

The other week I was at the student bar after working a twelve hour day and the gym and was just settling into a crossword and a nightcap, when suddenly the lights went out.

Fortunately, the emergency lights kicked in, but it was still pretty dark.

"I feel like I'm in the back room!", I could hear the owner crack from down the bar.

(The bar has three main rooms, the back one of which is pretty dark.)

The bartenders ended up bringing out small votive candles and setting them out in large metal bowls so that everyone could continue to drink, and somehow they got the registers open and set out the different denominations of bills in small red plastic food baskets so that you could make change quickly.

And, every time that you ordered a drink, they warned that if the emergency lights went out, they'd have to close up the bar pretty quick, so be warned.

I gave them a couple extra bucks for tip, and pointed it out to them and said that that was for perseverance in the face of adversity.

Honestly, I've never seen anything like that at a bar before, where the lights went out like that.

When I went to get a second beer and a whiskey on the rocks, they warned that the emergency lights were dimming, but I got it anyway and caught up on news on my smartphone because it was too dark to do a crossword, and then went to chug when the small votive candles started burning out and they went around telling everyone that they were closing soon.

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