Monday, January 11, 2016

Bar job (5 of 6): 4 coworkers ~

1) A (Colombian) woman who's monolingual, and who works in the back and who I started speaking my poor Spanish with.  We've started giving each other basic lessons on the language that we need to work on.

2) A (Mexican) line cook who I asked him how his weekend was, and he said he spent it with his dog, and when I asked him what kind of dog he has, he said a pit bull.

3) A (short) (amicable) (early 30s) (white) guy who was coming to training after his 7am-3pm non-profit workday, since he said that he got dumped by text and so he figured he'd become a workaholic.

4) A smiley (mid-20s) (Latina) woman who turns out was in the Marines and quit her last bar job since she got hired in by the owner's son but the owner was always dick to her whenever he was around, and every time he was like that, she'd think to herself, "I should just drop kick him right now." ...

She said that every time she worked at the last bar that she worked at, too, she'd tell security that if there was a fight and they needed help, she had their backs.

So, I always bring up her Marines experience every time I see her, and when I saw her at the start of a job training session once and I asked her how many people's bones she had broken since the last time we saw each other, she was all smiley and was like, "One and a half.  One guy's bones I broke, but the other, it was just a fracture."

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