Friday, January 8, 2016

Bar job (2 of 6): Job expectations.

I totally love having a job that's active and social, but you really don't have to plan anything ahead of time like with teaching, or repeatedly deal with problem people over and over again for the people who you most interact with.

The studying of the menu and specialty cocktail ingredients was a bitch, and so was all of the job training, but so far I think it's worth it...

I was sitting there one day during training and the (very gay) (slim) (Texas-born) (redhead) corporate trainer with a (very gay) voice was all like, "Remember, always verify which [gimmicky name] burger people want" since there's 3 burgers with similar names, and all of a sudden, I was just happy at how easy and how different this was from everything else I do in my life.

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