Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bar job (1 of 6): A coworker.

So, with my new bar job, one of my (middle-aged) (straight) (white) (female) coworkers looks a lot like the Latina transwoman I know from the trashy club I sometimes go to, since they both are around the same age and have dark hair in a similar style and similar coloration and shape of face.

So, the first time I met her, I was like, "You look a lot like this woman I know from clubbing." 

"Oh," she was like, "Did you got to a lot of raves in Detroit in the late 90s?".

She actually just moved here from Michigan, and was saying that the later bar times here in the city were tough for her.

"So what was closing time in [name of the city she moved from]?," I was like.

"Two," she was like, "But then you could go to the motorcycle clubs."

One day after training, too, people were going out, but she said she had to go home since she was too tired.

"I'm feeling that too," I was like, "I just want to go home and curl up and read."

"Yeah, totally!", she was like, and then she said that she had a couple graphic novels that she wanted to finish.

I've noticed working with her that she's always keeping busy and helping people out, so all around she seems like a totally great coworker.

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