Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Beautiful neighborhood detail: Stickers.

The other week on a day when I was working from home, I popped into the local library branch on a late afternoon to pick up a new novel so I'd have something to read at home, since I had just finished my last novel the previous weekend.

Right when I was walking up, a line formed, including in head of me a thin (young) (Chinese) mom with two twin (Chinese) toddlers who were both quietly insisting on walking outside of the large stroller that she was pushing.

I started looking at the "New Books" rack nearby while I waited, then all of a sudden the deskworker asked me if I needed help, though the mom and the kids hadn't moved from being right in front of me in front of the circulation desk.

"They need stickers," the mom told the deskworker.

At that, the deskworker ducked down to a space behind the computer, pulled out a small blue plastic basket, then held it out to the 2 boys so they could pick out stickers of Winnie the Pooh and the like, which they did very slowly and intently.

After the mom and the kids left, I told the deskworker that I didn't realize that they gave out stickers to kids.

"Yes," she was like, "We do that, we buy them at the dollar store on sale and keep them here for the children."

I found that very sweet and admirable, that they spent spare money out of their own pocket to improve the library like that.

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