Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dream of a late-stage GOP presidential hopeful.

The other week I dreamt that I was watching a TV cable newsshow with the inset headshot and the blue around-the-frame and the scrolling banner at the bottom, and the guy being interview was an aging (white) (male) veteran-turned businessman from a really hardcore sector of the armed services, like maybe elite forces or something like that.

He kept saying that he was confident that he could win the GOP nomination for president, which is why he was throwing his hat in the ring, and then he began naming all the charities that he had started.

He kept going on and on, and about the tenth one that he named - and they all sounded so jack-off and ineffectual and resume-fluffing! - I started thinking, "Really?", and then he started talking about some organization that would send hot pizzas to vets who were now in college and up late studying.

The screen then shot to a picture of a pizza box being opened up, and the toppings were arranged in the shape of simple sums and multiplications.

Part of the charity's idea was to help vets study their math that way.

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