Saturday, October 31, 2015

Facebook shock.

Since getting on Facebook like a month ago, I’ve really experienced a lot of shock.

First off, it’s amazing to me how many people just have lives with their kids and watch TV and football games and play video games and shit.

I feel all weird and intense, since I mostly post political shit, and otherwise go to cultural events (about which I’d never brag), or party (about which I’d never post).

It’s like I’m just way more into shit than people, to a degree that I don’t even notice and definitely can turn people off, since they’re just not on that wavelength.

I texted my one friend from high school who runs an integrated homelessness / domestic violence shelter, and she said that Facebook can f*ck with a person in many ways, but it’s important to remember that people show what they want to show, and that some of them are either going to perverted bars, or are wanting to and just not telling.

I still wonder, though, what would happen if I posted a radical feminist post about lady penis or something like that.

It’s like I’m in conversations that other people don’t know exist, and I’m off in ways that I don't realize.

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