Monday, October 19, 2015

Bedbug bites are just awful.

On my skin, especially the closer they are to my buttocks going up my leg or down my lower back, the more the bedbug bites get to be huge itchy red welts, and even anti-itch cream doesn't work too well, all day.

Sometimes, midway through the day or even a day later, clothing rubbing up against them makes them all swell up and get itchy all over again.

I find as I've found with mosquito bites at different times in my life, that the only method to definitively stop the itching is to scratch them severely till the top layer of skin is gone.

(Seriously, I do that, and have for years, it's worth it long-term, rather than deal with the incessant itching.)

Now, because of that, my buttocks and lower back are a sight.

On some parts of my buttocks, I have these scabs half the size of quarters, sometimes like an inch apart in some places.

I look in the mirror when I'm naked, and it's like I'm a leper or something.

The bright red of the scabs looks real nice on the pale white of the cellulite by my butt.

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