Saturday, September 5, 2015

Cool person at the doctor's office.

The other week I was at the doctor's office, and I began chit-chatting a bit with a (young) (black) (female) medical assistant.

I was asking her my standard summer chit-chat (up to much, doing anything fun, any trips, etc.), and she said she was going up to a big city north of here the very next weekend, for a concert.

"Cool, who are you going to see?", I was like.

"I'm going to run it," she was like, and she then told me how she ran a hip-hop business on the side and had an artist in from the Coast that she was trying to break.

"No shit," I was like.  "You're like real-life Empire!".

She liked that, and I joked that I should call her 'the Empress'.

"I like that," she was like, and smiled.

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