Monday, August 31, 2015

Another tree felled near my apt.

So, after that one tree was felled near my apartment last August, this August another tree was felled...

Outside in front of my apt. block there's a little lawn, and a corner of it extends out towards the driveway of an industrial garage next door to the left when you look out.

On that bit of lawn contiguous to my front bit of grass but actually belonging to the people next store, were 2 trees.

Over the winter, 1 died, and someone cut it down.

Then, the other day I was working from home and I hear a chainsaw, and I look out and a guy had chopped down the remaining little tree out front.

I'm not sure why the people who owned the garage did that (I'm assuming that it's them who did it) - maybe b/c the tree was small, and someone backing out of the garage fast might have backed into it accidentally?

Thankfully, the trees in the backyard are the landlord's, and I don't think he'll chop them down.

I almost want to plant a couple trees out front, though.

I'd ask the landlord, but he and his wife had a baby this past year, and they're too busy for a small request like that.

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