Friday, March 6, 2015

Morning subway ride: Many high school kids.

I think for the first time ever since I've lived in the city that I've been on the subway at 7:30am (I've been on earlier and I've been on later, but never right around 7:30am).

The bus and subway were both *flooded* with high school students going off to wherever they go to high school.

As they poured onto the bus and then off the bus and then up the escalators to the subway and then onto the subway car, I couldn't help but think what a different experience growing up that must be, and all morning on the ride in I kept thinking about what your perspective on the world would be if you grew up in the neighborhood where I live now and took the bus and subway to your high school every morning during the schoolyear.

I think you'd really relate to the city differently.

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