Friday, November 21, 2014

Memories of get-out-the-vote in Iowa:

1) After I mention that I don't like to start canvassing until 10am, a local Iowa woman said that she's found that esp. true w/fraternity houses.  "It's like, 'Hell-ooooo, are you home yet?'".

2) At one of the 1st apartment complexes I hit, I had to step over vomit on the sidewalk to the door, then the door to the building unlocked...  First door I knocked, one guy answers the door but it's not the guy on the list, then a (short) (built) (hispanic) frat guy in a college t-shirt and tight-whities comes to the door and promises to vote Democratic...

When I tell this to the people back at the canvassing site, the one local Iowa woman is like, "Nice impression of Iowa, huh?".

3) The next day, a (tall) (lanky) (white) frat guy in a colored, patterned long underwear-style shirt answers the door in that and boxers, and also promises to vote Democratic.

4) Another woman at the canvassing site tells of the time that she knocked on a door with the sign "naturalist" taped in the window, and she's thinking to herself, "Nice, this person is in the Audobon Society and Sierra Club", then the door opens and a guy is standing behind it peeking out, and it's clear that he's naked.

She registers him to vote, and gets him to request an absentee ballot.

5) That same woman also said her daughter was canvassing on a college campus in Dubuque at like 11am in the morning, and a frat guy answered the door and propositioned her.

She was like, "No!", then left and walked down the middle of the road, it freaked her out so much.

6) Yet another woman at the canvassing site had a family that was a poster child for the Affordable Care Act:  she lost her job and lost her health care, her son had long-term problems that were considered pre-existing conditions, and her daughter turned out to have an undiscovered long-term health problem going back to a never-recognized birth defect.

All are now covered with manageable insurance and bills.

For a while when she was unemployed and having cash flow problems, though, one of her friends in suburban Chicago was like, "Sell your house."

7) The local Dem office holder who gave me supporter housing said she feels like the college kids she sees nowadays are like throwbacks to the Reagan years.

"Everything was just great, then the 80s came," she was like.  "And it's like we're back then again."

She then added that she was invited in to speak to student govt. leaders on the local college campus, and all of them were wearing business suits at the meeting.

"What's up with that?", she asked someone her age after she left.

"They all do that now," they told her.

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