Monday, July 14, 2014

Murakami - Herodotus.

A friend who's temporary director of a local museum told me like a month ago that I should look into a book of Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami's for my cults class -

He wrote an entire Studs Terkel-esque book interviewing victims of the sarin gas attack on the Japanese subway system!

I think I'm going to incorporate it in a unit on artistic depictions of cults.

In any case, I've been reading a lot of first person accounts of people who got sarin poisoning - the darkened vision, the sudden physical weakness, the trouble breathing, the runny nose.

The other morning I was prepping Herodotus for a private Greek lesson, and all of a sudden my nose started running uncontrollably.

"Sarin," I immediately thought.

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