Thursday, July 24, 2014

Blister a 3rd time, and worse.

Last week I took like an hour jog, and when I got back, I had a blister on the left side of my right big toe again, bigger than ever.

Even worse, I had one on the left side of the next toe in from that, and in a couple places on the outside of that sole.

When I was in the bathroom before a shower I pressed all the blisters upward so the liquid crawled along under the skin before bursting out.

A few days later, I picked the skin off, and have since put iodine and then rubbing alcohol there to keep infection away.

Right now they're all like bright pink spots on my foot, though 3 of the 4 are fading.


Anonymous said...

iodine! please use neosporin or any other triple anitbiotic. Do not use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or iodine.

el blogador said...

Why not?